The Gender tells us about the sex of the noun.In Grammar-Nouns, there are FOUR GENDERS.
1. Masculine gender:(पुर्लिंग )
A noun is said to be in the Masculine gender if it refers to a male character or member of a species.
Man, lion, hero, boy, king, horse and actor are nouns of masculine gender.
पुरुसत्व का बोध कराने वाले शब्द (संज्ञा ) पुर्लिंग कहलाते है।
Woman, lioness, heroine, girl, mare, niece, empress, cow and actress are few of the feminine-gender nouns that we use.
नारित्व का बोध कराने वाले शब्द (संज्ञा ) स्त्रीलिंग कहलाते है।
Child, student, friend, applicant, candidate, servant, member and leader are few of the common-gender nouns.
पुरुसत्व और नारित्व का बोध कराने वाले शब्द (संज्ञा ) उभयलिंग कहलाते है।
Normally nouns referring to lifeless objects are in neuter nouns.
Chair, table, tree, star, mountain, street, book, car, school,
paper, pencil and computer are few of the neuter nouns which We use regularly.
जो ना पुरुसत्व का बोध कराये और ना नारित्व का उसे नपुंसक लिंग कहते है।
Man, lion, hero, boy, king, horse and actor are nouns of masculine gender.
पुरुसत्व का बोध कराने वाले शब्द (संज्ञा ) पुर्लिंग कहलाते है।
2. Feminine gender:(स्त्रीलिंग )
A noun is said to be in the feminine gender if it refers to a female member of a species.e.g.
Woman, lioness, heroine, girl, mare, niece, empress, cow and actress are few of the feminine-gender nouns that we use.
नारित्व का बोध कराने वाले शब्द (संज्ञा ) स्त्रीलिंग कहलाते है।
3. Common gender:(उभयलिंग )
A noun is said to be in Common gender if it refers to a member of species which can be a male or a female.e.g.
Child, student, friend, applicant, candidate, servant, member and leader are few of the common-gender nouns.
पुरुसत्व और नारित्व का बोध कराने वाले शब्द (संज्ञा ) उभयलिंग कहलाते है।
4. Neuter gender:(नपुंसक लिंग)
A noun is said to be in the neuter gender if it refers to a member of a species which is neither a male nor a female.Normally nouns referring to lifeless objects are in neuter nouns.
Chair, table, tree, star, mountain, street, book, car, school,
paper, pencil and computer are few of the neuter nouns which We use regularly.
जो ना पुरुसत्व का बोध कराये और ना नारित्व का उसे नपुंसक लिंग कहते है।
Some masculine and feminine gender
Masculine - Feminine
Boy - girl
Son - daughter
Uncle - aunt
Father - mother
Nephew - niece
Brother - sister
Husband - wife
Man - woman
Male - female
King - queen
Master - mistress
Hero - heroine
Sir - madam
Lord - lady
Actor - actress
Bull - cow
Fox - vixen
Wizard - witch
Tiger - tigress
Horse - mare
Director - directness
Duke - duchess
Widower - widow
Prince - princess
Bachelor - spinster / maid
Monk - nun
Cock - hen
Peacock - peahen
Dog - bitch
Hunter - huntress
Emperor - empress
Bridegroom - bride
To add prefix in masculine we make his feminine gender
Cock-sparrow - hen-sparrow
Bull-calf - cow-calf
He-goat - she-goat
Man-servant - woman- servant
To add sufix in masculine we make his feminine gender
Landlord - landlady
Peacock- peahen
Milkman - milkmaid
To add ess in masculine we make his feminine gender
Poet - poetess
Lion - lioness
Host - hostess
Heir - heiress
God - goddess
Priest - priestess
Giant - giantess