Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Concept of English part 1


A subject is a person or a thing about which something is stated.
Example:- I, we , you , any name etc.

General structure of any sentence

Subject. + verb. + object.

I play football.
Radha dances very well.

Subject.            Object

I.                        Me

We.                    Us

You.                   You

They.                 Them

He.                     Him

She.                    Her

It.                        It

Name.                Name

There are two types of subject

Singular subject

When we are talking about a single person or a single thing.
E.g. I , you

Plural subject

When web are talking about more than one person or thing.
E.g. we , you

There are two type of noun

Singular noun

Which generally never ends with s, es , ies
Example:- Student, Doll, Boy, etc.

Plural noun

Which generally ends with s, es ies.
Example:- Students, Dolls, Boys, etc.


Action of subject is called as verb

E.g. leela goes to Temple.

There are two type of verb 

Helping verb

Which support or help the main verb

E.g. is, are, am, was were, has, have, had, has been, have been, had been , do, does, did, will, shall, will be, shall be, will have, shall have, will have been , shall have been.

Main verb

Which shows the main action of the subject

E.g. teach, drink, read write, sleep etc.

I am teaching you.

I = subject

Am= helping verb

Teaching = main verb

You= object

There are two more type of verb

Singular verb

Which generally ends with s, es , ies.

Main verb( goes, teaches, plays)
Helping verb ( is, am, was, has does, had, did)

Plural verb

Which generally never ends with s es, ies.

Main verb( teach, sleep go, jump)
Helping verb( are, were have had, do, did)


Rule 1= singular subject are always connected by singular verb.

Ram plays hockey.
He teaches me.

Rule 2. = plural subject are always connected by plural verb.

They jump fast.
We are going.
Ram and Kishan move.

Exceptional case of you:-

Rule 3. =You always connected by plural verb.

You are going.
You listen to me.

Exceptional case of I:-

Case 1- I = were (unreal condition, imagination)

If I were a king, I would give you a ring.
If I were you , I would get good marks.

Case 2. I= was (real condition)

I was teaching you.
I was scolding you.

Case 3. in case of he, she, and you we have to use wishes(he, she) or wish( you) for unreal condition

You wish to be a devil.
She wishes to be a queen.

Case 4 the main verb connected with I is always a plural verb.

I go.
I teach.
I have a pen.

Rule 5.= When two subjects are connected by as well as, along with, in addition to, together with, with, like, unlike, including, excluding, Then always we have to use our verb according to the first subject.

Rahul as well as his friends moves to another place.
The house with its furniture was sold.
Pinky in addition to Sheela is thinking the same matter.

Rule 6 = When two subjects are connected by either......or, neither......nor, not only.........but also, or etc then always we have to use our verb according to the 2nd subject.

Either ram or shyam goes to temple.
He or she plays well.

Rules 7.- some pairing words they are always consider as a singular subject because they give the idea of the single thing so they are always connected by singular verb.

Bread and butter
is my favorite.
Ups and downs ruins her life.

Rule 8 = those pronoun which are used to represent indefinite no of persons or things are called as indefinite pronoun.
They are as following
Someone, anyone, everyone, no one none, everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody, everything, something, anything, nothing etc

Indefinite pronouns are always consider as a singular subject so they are always connected by singular verb.

Everyone teaches well.
Nothing has been done.

Rule 9. Both/ several/ various/many+ plural noun+ plural verb

Both boys are playing.
Several visitors have been presenting there.
Various items have been served in the party.
Many colleges are good in the town.

Rule 10-If the structure is-
         Many a/Many an + Singular noun + singular verb

Many a mother tries to be the best.

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