Saturday, December 10, 2016

Noun - Case

Case वाक्य मे noun and pronoun का अन्य शब्दो के साथ सम्बन्ध बतलाता है|

There are four types of case

1. Nominative case :- When we use noun or pronoun as a subject of the sentence then it is called nominative case.
वाक्य के जिस noun or pronoun का प्रयोग subject के रूप मे किया जाता है उस noun या pronoun को हम nominative case कहते है |

I said to Ram.
Ram said to me.
I and Ram is the nominative case.

2. Objective case :- When we use noun or pronon as a object of the sentence then it is called objective case.
वाक्य मे जिस noun या pronoun का प्रयोग object के रूप मे किया जाता है उस noun या pronoun को हम objective case कहते है |

I said to Ram.
Ram said to me.
Ram and me is the examples of objective case .

3. Possessive case :- A possessive noun shows ownership by adding an apostrophe, an "s".
जब किसी noun या pronoun को दूसरे noun or pronoun के साथ निकट मे या अधिकार मे का सम्बन्ध बतलाया जाता है तब उस noun या pronoun को हम possessive case कहते है|

E.g. my pen
Ram's mother

4. Vocative case :- When we call any noun or any pronoun in the sentence. that noun or pronoun is called Vocative case or Case of Address.
जब किसी  noun or pronoun को संबोधित किया जाता है , तब उस noun या pronoun को हम Vocative case या Case of Address कहते है |

Ram, come here
Go there, jaya